About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Open Insight is an specialized journal on Philosophy aimed at researchers, professors and students of philosophy. It is published twice a year, in January and July.

Thematically, Open Insight is open to all fields of Philosophy, as long as the submitted manuscripts comply with the rigor and seriousness expected from a scientific philosophical publication. However, it wants to promote research in the diverse fields and philosophical problems of contemporary philosophy; it is open especially to the philosophical problems within the social, anthropological and religious orders in human life. Though, it does not excludes contributions dedicated to ancient or medieval philosophy, in-terdisciplinary issues or any other particular aspect of the history of philosophy.

Beyond any special exception considered by the editors, all contributions must be original and unpublished and they cannot be in the evaluation process of any other journal. They can be written in English or Spanish.

Peer Review Process

In the case of contributions for Dialógica and Estudios, evaluation will be conducted by two anonymous referees.

At least one of them will be external to the Centre for Advanced Social Research and the Editorial board of Open Insight, but usually that will be the case of both. Information about the identity of the authors and the referees will be strictly confidential.

Refereeing time will be about 4 or 5 months and the evaluation will be sent to the author by e-mail, with the comments that the referees and the edi-tors consider relevant.

In the case of the articles and discussions, the evaluation criteria will be based on the importance of the topic, its pertinence for the journal, the quality on argumentation, a good use of the bibliographical resources, the clarity on the hypothesis, logic and order in the exposition and the adequacy of the language according to the stated problem.

Evaluation results can be: a) Accepted without any modification, b) Accept-ed, but conditioned to certain modifications on style and/or format, c) Accepted, but conditioned to substantial corrections on the contribution or d) Not accepted. In the case that the contribution were not accepted, the author can make the corrections and modifications according to the evalua-tion and submit it again for a new evaluation process. In the case that there is a significant difference between the evaluations of the two referees, the contribution will be sent to a third one. In every case, however, the last decision about the publication of a contribution depends on the editors.

When the submission is accepted, the author will be asked to send his/her institutional information: full name, name of the institution, postal address, e-mail (institutional e-mail address is preferred), and a brief curriculum vitae. The author will be notified in which issue will the contribu-tion appear.

Publication of a text supposes that the author’s copyright is passed on to the editorial institution of the journal.

Open Insight is formed for the next sections

  • Dialógica.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

1. Publication and authorship:

Open Insight expects that the authors will vigilate high standards with respect to publication ethics: plagiarism is forbidden, as it is to try and publish anew earlier research of its authorship, already published. It is enfatically prohibited to missapropiate the work of others authors. Allegations of unethical conduct will be discussed, initially, with the corresponding author. In the event of continued dispute, the matter will be referred to the author's institution and funding agencies for investigation and adjudication.

2. Author’s responsibilities:

Authors’ originals for the sections “Dialógica” and “Estudios” are bound to participate in a peer review process. The journal expect that all the authors have written the paper sent for evaluation, and that all data included in their articles are real and authentic. We urge that all authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.

3. Peer review and responsibility for the reviewers:

Open Insight peer review judgments will be objective and the reviewers should have no conflict of interest with respect to the research; whenever they may be in such a conflict, they should inform it inmediatly. In this sense, the journal confirms that the reviewers should point out relevant published work which is not yet cited, and that reviewed articles should be treated confidentially.

4. Editorial responsibilities:

The journal editors assume complete responsibility and authority to reject or accept an article. The editors confirm that have no conflict of interest with respect to articles they reject/accept. A paper will be accepted only whenever editors may be reasonably certain of its authenticity. If errors are found, the editors will promote publication of correction or retraction, preserving the anonymity of reviewers.

5. Publishing ethics issues:

Publishing ethics will be monitored and safeguarded by the journal editorial board on the basis of a use of guidelines for retracting articles, and a maintenance of the integrity of the academic record.