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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

About submission formats 5.Every submission has to include explicitly the complete name of the author, institution, country and e-mail address. The submission will be edited by the editors to warrantee blind review. 6. All submissions will be made through our OJS system, on-line at this web-site: The documents should be sent in Word (.doc; .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf). PDF’s, ODT’s, Pages, and physi-cal documents will not be accepted. If an author has problems with the OJS system, an e-mail should be sent to: so we can manage the best way for making the submission. 7. For the case of Dialógica and Estudios, the title of the article must be clearly stated, in both English and Spanish, and it must include an ab-stract of less than 100 word and 5 keywords. 8. Articles, replies to other articles and interviews will have a length of up to 9,000 words, without counting abstract and references. The minimum length of a submission is variable depending on the section and the type of text, but it will have always to be sufficient in order to stand a problem and argue in favor of the presented hypotheses. 9. Book reviews will have a maximum length of up to 5000 words. Reviews of books older than 5 years will be not admitted and they must contain the complete reference of the book that is being reviewed (author, title, pub-lisher, city, year, pages, translator –if the case–, edition). We will receive reviews of new editions of previously published books, as long as they represent a clear and important modification in terms of editorial or translation work. It must be clearly stated the name, e-mail and institution of the author of the review. 10. Interviews proposed to Coloquio will have a maximum length of 9000 words and they will include a brief and introductory biographical sketch. 11. All the texts proposed to Hápax Legómena have to be introduced with a brief philosophical commentary, in order to justify the importance of the presented text. The extension of a text proposed to Hápax Legomena will have a maximum length of 9000 words, and the length of the introductory text will be of 4000. On the reference system 12. Quotations will be marked with double quotes, with the exception of quota-tions longer than four lines. In that case, the quotation will be situated in a separate paragraph, indented and without quotes. 13. All the references will be made according the manual of Chicago. The works will be referred in footnotes, using the following format: Books: Name of the author, Title of the book, City: Publisher, year, page. Translator. Edmund Husserl, The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phe-nomenology, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1954. Translated by David Carr. Articles: Name of the author, “Title of the Article”, Journal, vol., n., year, page. Ullrich Melle, “Responsibility and the Crisis of Technological Civilization: A Husserlian Meditation on Hans Jonas”, Human Studies, v.21 (n.4), 1998, p. 336. 14. When the same work is cited for a second time, there will not be used latin locutions (op. cit., ibid., ibidem., etc.), but there will be written the name of the author, an abbreviation of the title and the page number. The only locution the will be used is cfr., to indicate the reference to a work without a textual quotation. 15. In the case of classical authors, there will be used the conventional system. For example, for the Presocratics, Diels-Kranz; for Plato, Stephanus; for Aristotle, Bekker; for saint Augustine, Migne; for Descartes, Adam-Tannery. In the final list of references, there will be specified the edi-tion, translation and, if the case, the used abbreviations. 16. If the author wants to remark a special or technical concept, he should use Guillemets: «». Italic fonts will be reserved for foreign expressions, and double quotation marks for textual quotations. Underlining should be omitted. 17. If a textual quotation omits a fragment or a word, it will be signaled with square brackets: […] 18. When the author includes text in Greek, Hebrew or any other language that uses non-occidental characters, it must be sent the font archive and a PDF version of the article, for avoiding transcription errors. 19. References should be listed at the end, alphabetically ordered by author and year. For example: Husserl, Edmund. The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phe-nomenology, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1954. Translated by David Carr. Melle, Ullrich. “Responsibility and the Crisis of Technological Civilization: A Husserlian Meditation on Hans Jonas”, Human Studies, v.21 (n.4), 1998, pp.329-345.

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