To Hope Against Every Hope

  • Karl Josef Romer
Keywords: Christianity, Death, Desperation, Freedom, Hope.


Karl Josef Romer addresses on the issues of human suffer- ing and death and the meaning that they have in the exis- tence of every Christian. To hope against every desperation, against suffering and death, is a hope that encompasses these categories, that are proper to human being. Suffering and death are the necessary horizon of human existence so that man can think and assume transcendence and the encounter with others and the Other. For Romer, who follows Geth- semane’s Christ, the death of ourselves and of our will of power is the main road to freedom and to the possibility to surrender to God. 

Author Biography

Karl Josef Romer
Obispo titular de Columnata Secretario emérito del Consejo Pontificio para la Familia 


Agustin de Hipona. De dono pereseverantia en Obras completas (vol.VI). Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos.

Agustín de Hipona. De gratia christe et de peccato originali en Obras completas(vol.VI). Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos.

Ambrosio de Milán. Expositio evangelii secundum Lucam en Obras de San Ambrosio (vol.I). Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos.

Rahner, Karl. 1967. Zur Theologie der Hoffnung en Schriften IX. Einsiedln: Benziger, pp.561-580.

Rahner, Karl. 1968. Selbstverwirklichung und Annahme des Kreuzes en Schriften VIII. Ein- siedln: Benziger, pp.322-326.

Romer, Karl Josef. 1975. “Esperar contra toda esperança” en A. Vargas-Machuca, A. Teología y Mundo contemporáneo. Homenaje a K. Rahner. Madrid, Ed. Cristiandad, pp. 565-575.

Schlier. H. 1964. Über dIe Hoffnung, en Besinnung auf das Neue Testament. Freiburg, pp.135-145.

Vargas-Machuca, A (ed.) 1975. Teología y Mundo contemporáneo. Homenaje a K. Rahner. Madrid, Ed. Cristiandad.

How to Cite
Romer, K. J. (2014). To Hope Against Every Hope. Open Insight, 5(7), 271-285.