The Cartesian quasi-proff of God's existence.

  • José Marcos de Teresa Ochoa Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
Keywords: God, Ontological Argument, René Descartes, Metaphysics, Theology.


This is a reply to "Between the God of faith and the God of Philosophy", by Juan Carlos Moreno Romo (2015). Instead of facing the several issues stated by Moreno Romo, it evaluates the Cartesian argument towards the existence of God, which presents as the heir of a tradition  poorly known by him, his and most of Modern and Contemporary philosophers. It claims that the ontologic is the best argument available to prove God's existence and it points out the difficulties raced by the arguments in favor of the idea of God as owner of all perfections without contradiction, condition on which its demostrative certainty depends.  
How to Cite
de Teresa Ochoa, J. M. (2010). The Cartesian quasi-proff of God’s existence. Open Insight, 1(1), 62-68.