On the Perspective of Perplexity Wonder and Philosophy

  • Marcela García Instituto de Investigaciones filosóficas- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: Argumentation, Certainty, Rationality, Truth, Wonder.


In this article, I analyze Carlos Pereda’s proposal of making a “habit of wonder” achieved taking a “perspective of perplexity”, notwithstanding common attempts to eliminate this perspective through a “bad normalization” of philosophical problems. In several works, Pereda proposes a virtuous reason that is permeable to different kinds of goods, norms and perspectives, and is able to move between them and to interrupt itself in wonder and perplexity. In a second part, I show certain parallels with the notion of a “personal” and “emphatic” reason that the late Schelling develops in his “positive philosophy”. Finally, I pose three questions regarding this proposed notion of reason as decision, action and habit.


Pereda, Carlos. 1994. Vértigos argumentales. Una ética de la disputa, Barcelona/México, Anthropos/UAM.

Pereda, Carlos. 1999. Crítica de la razón arrogante. Cuatro panfletos civiles, México, Taurus.

Pereda, Carlos. 2012. “La filosofía y la perspectiva de la extrañeza” [FPE] en: Carlos Pereda (El ensayo contemporáneo en México), México, UNAM.

Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph. 1856-1861. Sämmtliche Werke, Karl Friedrich August Schelling (ed.), XIV vols., Stuttgart, Cotta.

Abreviaciones de las obras de Schelling:

AD Andere Deduktion der Principien der positiven Philosophie

(Otra deducción de los principios de la filosofía positiva)

Construktion Abhandlung über die philosophische Construktion [1801] (Tratado sobre la construcción filosófica).

Darstellung Darstellung meines Systems [1801] (Exposición de mi sistema)

DRP Darstellung der reinrationalen Philosophie [1846-54] (Exposición de la filosofía puramente racional)

PM Philosophie der Mythologie [1834] (Filosofía de la mitología) PO Philosophie der Offenbarung [1842] (Filosofía de la revelación)

WS “Würzburger System”: System der gesammten Philosophie und der Naturphilosophie insbesondere [1804] (Sistema de Würzburg o Sistema de la

completa filosofía y especialmente de la filosofía de la naturaleza)

How to Cite
García, M. (2014). On the Perspective of Perplexity Wonder and Philosophy. Open Insight, 5(8), 9-28. https://doi.org/10.23924/oi.v5i8.110