The ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ and Externalism on Faith

  • Begoña Pesis García Instituto de filosofía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • José Tomás Alvarado Marambio Instituto de filosofía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Keywords: Cognitivism, Dark Night of the Soul, Externalismo, Internalism, Supernatural Faith.


Different proposals have been presented recently about the nature of faith. In many of these theories there has not been a sufficient understanding and discussion of several phenomena that occurs to people with a deep interior life of faith. One of these phenomena is the noche oscura del alma –as it was dubbed by Saint John of the Cross. In a noche oscura the presence of God is darkened for the faithful. In fact, it seems to him that he has no faith. Neither internalist theories of faith, nor non-cognitivist theories of faith seem able to explain properly how it is possible a phenomenon like la noche oscura. Instead, cognitivist and externalist theories of faith seem appropriate.


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How to Cite
Pesis García, B., & Alvarado Marambio, J. T. (2015). The ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ and Externalism on Faith. Open Insight, 6(9), 109-140.