Subjective Experience in Neurocognitive Science The Case of Neurophenomenology

  • Sylvia Ordóñez Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas Luis Villoro Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Keywords: Cognitive Neurosciences, Interdiscipline, Methodologies, Phenomenology, Subjectivity.


Due to the relevance of subjective reports in cognitive neuroscience, it is presently needed to acknowledge the kind of data that can be subjectively observed and reported. One stance of these data is found in first and second person methodologies, developed in Neurophenomenology since the nineties. The history of these developments, sometimes ignored or denied, may clarify their relevance to cognitive science. The roots of these methodologies are found in cognitive biology, husserlian phenomenology, cognitive psychology and Eastern Buddhist and Vedic meditation techniques, but later included a wide range of related fields such as psychotherapies and different approaches to methods for “becoming aware”. Research in all those areas allowed finding common patterns among the different fields as a result of exemplary interdisciplinary cooperation.


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How to Cite
Ordóñez, S. (2015). Subjective Experience in Neurocognitive Science The Case of Neurophenomenology. Open Insight, 6(10), 135-167.