Kierekegaard’s Debt with Schleiermacher in the Conception of Subjectivity
Received: 11/05/15 • Accepted: 14/07/15The aim of this article is to demonstrate the influence of philosopher and theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher on Kierkegaard’s conception of subjectivity. Firstly, it attends the relationship of Kierkegaard towards Romanticism in general and then, it describes Kierkegaard’s encounter with Friedrich Schleiermacher. Secondly, it deals with Schleiermacher’s thought on the concept of individualism and, implicitly, of subjectivity, as framed in his works On Religion and in his Monologues. Lastly, Kierkegaard’s critique of Schleiermacher’s conception of subjectivity will be presented. The intention is to highlight that, Kierkegaard’s concept of subjectivity, which is always related to Socrates or Hegel’s in the commentaries, is also, and maybe more influenced by Schleiermacher, and his anthropological approach.References
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