War Before The Tribunal of Reason. Commentary to “Kant: War and Moral Progress”, by Teresa Santiago

  • María Guadalupe Martínez Fisher Centro de Investigación Social Avanzada
Keywords: Peace, War, Morality, Cosmopolitan Law, Providence, Humanity.


In this commentary to the article “Kant: War and Moral Progress”, by Teresa Santiago, I defend that Kant’s thought on war presents two types of issues. On one hand, there are those questions that address the internal coherence of war, that is to say, what is the role and critique of war in Kant’s thought and how it could be compatible with his Moral Philosophy. On the other hand, there are the issues that refer to the scope of the proposal in present day and to what extent it could help to generate new regulation frames for the advocacy of peace.


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How to Cite
Martínez Fisher, M. G. (2016). War Before The Tribunal of Reason. Commentary to “Kant: War and Moral Progress”, by Teresa Santiago. Open Insight, 7(11), 35-45. https://doi.org/10.23924/oi.v7i11.169