Personal Identity

  • Rodrigo Guerra López Centro de Investigación Social Avanzada
Keywords: Cogito, Identity, Personal Identity, Person, Self.


The history of "identity" as a philosophical problem is as old as philosophy itself. In the following lines, we will deal with two of its aspects: first, we will give a brief description of some chapters of the complex history of theories on identity and personal identity. By reviewing a few authors and theories, I just want to show the complexity of the phenomenon to discuss, and to place a few of its essential elements. In the second part, I will try to introduce some basic elements in order to face the question of personal identity through and analisys of the evidence of the originary knowledge of the self. Throughout this lines, I do not intend to elaborate an exhaustive exposition of the topics involved. I just want to state some fundamental and useful materials for future investigations.


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How to Cite
Guerra López, R. (2010). Personal Identity. Open Insight, 1(1), 116-141.