Transit from Phenomenology to Hermeneutics. Heidegger reader of St. Augustine’s Confessions X, 1-23

  • Claudio César Calabrese Universidad Panamericana
Keywords: Augustine of Hippo, Augustinism, Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, Young Heidegger.


Received: 16/11/2015 • Accepted: 01/09/2016In this paper, we track the young Heidegger’s reading on Book X (chapters 1-23) of Confessions ; it shows, on the one hand, the refutation of those positions that seek to achieve a synthesis of different epochs and that, therefore, necessarily draw out of reality Augustine’s «now» and his «self» in this case. Then, we follow closely the various steps of Hidegger’s process of reading and its results.



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How to Cite
Calabrese, C. C. (2017). Transit from Phenomenology to Hermeneutics. Heidegger reader of St. Augustine’s Confessions X, 1-23. Open Insight, 8(13), 189-216.