Contingence and Teleology. Kant and the Reflective Perspective on Nature
Received: 14/04/2016 • Accepted: 11/08/2016This work follows closely the second part of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Judgement to value the novelty of his peculiar approach to necessity and contingency, which he does not think of as opposed, but as coincident in relation to the consideration of Nature as a system of endings; while, at the same time, he thinks of it as a mechanism driven by efficient strengths. Indeed, when considering the possibility of concordance between objective laws and subjective maxims, in Nature, the reflexive judgement of the faculty of judgment allows to treat it as if it was a system of endings, in analogy with a theology adequate for human freedom Such an approach to teleology allows Kant to draw a Theology in accordance with the classical philosophical tradition.References
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