On Violence in Art or About Violent Art
The feminists of the Second Wave found in art a public sphere in which they were allowed to express freely. They took advantage of this new freedom to denounce the violent situation in which women lived, and still live. Some of the first feminist artworks from the seventies, like Dinner Party (1974-1979), Rhythm 0 (1974), Intra Venus (1993) or the collective exhibition Womanhouse (1972) commonly used violence to express violence. This rose a debate about the validity of this art. Nevertheless, nowadays performance is frequently seen in museums, and it does not strive for validation anymore. This paper follows the classification of violence made by Žižek: subjective, objective, symbolic and systemic, to show how violence is used when it is itself denounced through art. It explores the artworks of four female artists, one per each type of violence: Teresa Margolles exhibits subjective violence, Cindy Sherman photographs the objective violence, Hannah Wilke denounces, while she portrays it, symbolic violence and Marina Abramović revealed the hidden systemic violence. Finally, there is an exploration of the role of the spectator regarding artworks where his/her participation is required.References
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