The sentiments and the must within Kant’s practical philosophy

  • Eduardo Óscar Charpenel Elorduy Universidad Panamericana
Keywords: Kant, Ethics, Moral Motivation, Emotions


The aim in this article is to study the role of emotions and sentiments within Kant’s ethics. In the first part of it, I present a reading on the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, which intends to clarify the specific value of the emotions that motivate our actions, showing thereby the inappropriateness of many critiques made against deontological ethics. In the next part, I review many of Kant’s most discussed examples in the light of the reading of the Groundwork that I suggest. Drawing from elements in the Anthropology and the Metaphysics of morals, I try then to explain how a practical agent should cultivate his affections, and in what sense can emotions and sentiments draw his attention towards morally salient facts.


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How to Cite
Charpenel Elorduy, E. Óscar. (2011). The sentiments and the must within Kant’s practical philosophy. Open Insight, 2(2), 5-29.