The Spiritual Disposition of Descartes
Received: 15/07/2016 • Accepted: 09/10/2016This paper inquires the position on religiosity of Rene Descartes life and works. Among other things, the author discusses the relation between the Christianism inherited by Descartes and his philosophical system, as well as the question of wether his Ethics are those of an atheist or those of a Christian, discussion where Ángeles thinks of «Ethics of provision», even more than «provisional Ethics». He tries to unmask the position defended by the writer of the Metaphisical Mediations , inclining towards the affirmation of Descartes works as those by a Christian. The discussion follows with ulterior distinctions on Catholicism and Protestantism, as well as their characteristical feelings: anguish and trust, to finally characterize Descartes position on religion. This analysis is supported in the historic and the critical analysis on the french thinker and is emphatic in stating the importance of the correspondence in the correct approach to his works.References
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