Origins of the Nietzschean Critique of Knowledge from the Language

  • Fernando Fava Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos
Keywords: extramoral, knowledge, language, metaphor, Nietzsche.


Received: 12/05/2015 • Accepted: 09/02/2016This article seeks to establish the genesis of Nietzsche’s tropological conception of knowledge, from both a historical and a genealogical approach to the Nachgelassene Fragmente  between 1869 and 1873. We understand this work as somehow original, for as far as we know, even if several scholars have pointed out the centrality of language in order to understand Nietzsche’s critique to the Metaphysics, as well as the relevance of his early years corpus in his hermeneutics, this issue has not yet been approached from the perspective of the posthumous works, as we propose here. From this point of view, new perspectives arise to enrich nietzschean studies.


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How to Cite
Fava, F. (2017). Origins of the Nietzschean Critique of Knowledge from the Language. Open Insight, 8(13), 161-188.