Luis Villoro and the Transformation of Politics from an Ontological Level
Received: 21/09/2016 • Accepted: 02/02/2017 This essay faces the question of whether there is any link between social morality (which keeps relations with political power) and the «Being-of-becoming». It thinks of the link between «common good» and «Being»; that is: we study «common good» not only within the social inter-relationships, but in the interval that keeps them with existence. It shows the ontological implications of the political and ethical thought of Luis Villoro in order to reflect upon the next question: Is it possible to have a just politic life, instead of power of Being than by the seek for human power? Finally, it proposes the thesis that states that the best way for a political transformation is an ethical way, as long as it makes changes to Politics in an ontological level.References
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