Machiavelli, War and the «Citizen Soldier»

  • Luis Felipe Jiménez Jiménez Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas “Francisco García Salinas”
Keywords: Machiavelli, War, State, Soldier-Citizen, Political Philosophy.


Through Machiavelli's political work, his thesis thesis on war can be reconstructed as one of the fundamental instruments for the rise to power of the new prince, which he also considers indispensable for the consolidation of the Modern State; but above all, it allows us to observe how Modern State. For Machiavelli, it manages to guarantee the preservation of the political order by creating a type of subject –the soldier-citizen– with which it ensures the effectiveness of the State through the discipline and obedience of the citizen, acquired in his passage by the militia.Received: 02/11/2016 • Accepted: 31/08/2017


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How to Cite
Jiménez Jiménez, L. F. (2018). Machiavelli, War and the «Citizen Soldier». Open Insight, 9(15), 125-145.