The positive character of Michel Henry's ontology as a confrontation with nihilism

  • Ramsés Leonardo Sánchez Soberano Universidad La Salle,
Keywords: affectivity, manifestation, nihilism, positive ontology, positivity.


One of the most striking features of Michel Henry's thought is his confrontation with the philosophy that has forced the being to manifest from a nihilistic logic. In Henry's philosophy we can detect a direction towards the foundations of Husserl and Heidegger's thoughts to reconstruct their positions around a positive ontology. This positivity is a radical affirmation of the will which, after limit experiences, confronts the historical-effective situation of the world and places the body as the organ where the pristine donation of being is pre-subjected. With this radical affirmation of the self-affective life, Henry can open the door to thinking about an ontology that is not sheltered into the nothing and it could offer to subjectivity.

Author Biography

Ramsés Leonardo Sánchez Soberano, Universidad La Salle,
Dirección General de Investigación/Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales Jefe del Doctorado en Educación 


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How to Cite
Sánchez Soberano, R. L. (2018). The positive character of Michel Henry’s ontology as a confrontation with nihilism. Open Insight, 9(16), 183-205.