Heidegger and the conception of «Space-Time» in the Special Relativity Theory

  • Martin Simesen de Bielke Instituto de modelado e innovación tecnológica (IMIT-CONICET).
Keywords: space-time interval, analogy, causality, temporal order.


Heidegger states that the relativity has not overcome the limitations of the tra- ditional Metaphysics, because Einstein still conceives time as a parameter, as scale, as an irreversible series of homo- geneous instants and as space, like Aris- totle does in Physics. In this paper, it will be discussed with Heidegger the notion of time in the special theory of relativity, particularly the sense and scope of the «spatialization» of time. It is suggested that the relativity of space and time can be interpreted, by means of the concept of ‘analogy’, as proportion and media- tion between time and space. 


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How to Cite
Simesen de Bielke, M. (2018). Heidegger and the conception of «Space-Time» in the Special Relativity Theory. Open Insight, 9(16), 99-128. https://doi.org/10.23924/oi.v9i16.255