Riversides of λόγος in Archaic Greece: Poetry and Philosophy

  • Mauricio López Noriega Universidad Iberoamericana
Keywords: Archaic Greece, lógos, love, Philosophy, Poetry.


The word is love. As in other cultures, the first form of expression of this love in Ancient Greece was Poetry. Similar to human life stages, epic may be compared to childhood; youth would constitute, then, the archaic lyric and the poetic word would have reached its brilliant maturity with drama, in the classic period. At the same time, a second love was born, Philosophy, one that reached its plenitude with Plato and Aristotle. Two forms of the word that establishes, Poetry and Philosophy, were born from the same riverbed: they both constitute the riversides of λόγος in Archaic Greece.Recibido: 21/03/2017 • Aceptado: 31/08/2017

Author Biography

Mauricio López Noriega, Universidad Iberoamericana
Departamento de Filosofía / HumanidadesProfesor de Asignatura


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How to Cite
López Noriega, M. (2018). Riversides of λόγος in Archaic Greece: Poetry and Philosophy. Open Insight, 9(15), 59-78. https://doi.org/10.23924/oi.v9i15.257