Some limits to the first principle of justice of J. Rawls' "Theory of Justice"

  • Montserrat Salomón Ferrer Universidad Panamericana
Keywords: Rawls, Daniels, Sen, Justice, Equality.


This paper reviews John Rawls’ political theory through its insufficiencies, as it is revealed by Sen and Daniels’ works, so that justice’s principles, liberty and equality may be concealed. Finally, the critique made to Rawls’ political theory by these authors shall be reviewed too, in the behalf of a more equal social theory.  


Berlin, I. 1998. Cuatro Ensayos sobre la Libertad, Madrid, Alianza.

Daniels, n. 1989. “Equal Liberty and Unequal Worth of Liberty” en Reading Rawls. Critical Studies on Rawls’ ‘A Theory of Justice’, California, Stanford University Press.

Daniels, N. 2003. “Rawls’s Complex Egalitarianism” en Freeman, Samuel (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Rawls, New York, Cambridge University Press.

Rawls, j. 1995. Teoría de la justicia, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Sen, Amartya. 2004. “Discapacidad y Justicia.” Segunda Conferencia Internacional sobre Discapacidad y Desarrollo Inclusivo. Banco Mundial en http://latinamerica.dpi. org/1SENAMARTYA-DISCAPACIDADYJUSTICIA_001.doc

How to Cite
Salomón Ferrer, M. (2011). Some limits to the first principle of justice of J. Rawls’ "Theory of Justice". Open Insight, 2(2), 83-113.