Am I Loved? The Erotic Phenomenon and the Phenomenological Transit from the ego cogito to the egò páscho

  • Hernán Gabriel Inverso Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: affectivity, exceedance, love, Phenomenology, reduction.


The phenomenological developments of the last decades have explored the affective dimension of subjectivity as a fulfillment of a program of radical research. Against the interpretations that note the ruptures, this article studies phenomenology as an access to the complete range of phenomena, through the devices related to static approach, geneticity, generativity and inapparence. On this basis, it analyzes the interpretation of the philosophical developments of Jean Luc Marion on the erotic phenomenon and erotic reduction seen as a legitimate performance of a phenomenology of the inapparent that deals with the dimensión of páthos, without implying breaches or overcomes with respect to the general phenomenological soil.


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How to Cite
Inverso, H. G. (2018). Am I Loved? The Erotic Phenomenon and the Phenomenological Transit from the ego cogito to the egò páscho. Open Insight, 9(16), 207-227.