Presuppositions, Requirements and Effects of Reciprocal Donation on Karol Wojtyła’s Love and Responsibility
Received: 27/10/2017Accepted: 21/11/2018This paper is an attempt to show that Karol Wojtyła’s Love and Responsibility portrayed the necessary set of elements to demonstrate the effects of mutual donation –in love– between a man and a woman. In the first part, I will state Wojtyła’s presuppositions: the distinc- tion between object and subject, the sense of pleasure and the meaning of sexual tendency, as well as the personalistic norm. The second par t deals with the demands of the mutual donation, as explained by Wojtyła. Finally, in the third part, I will reflect on the unfolding ofthe Wojtylian reflections on mutual donation, taking them to their last consequences.References
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