Considerations on Transcendence and Death following the Thought of Edith Stein
Received: 05/04/2018Accepted: 08/08/2018This article points out that death is a topic that concerns all of us. But, in current times, the understanding of death has changed. People tend to deny its reality, up to the point that some authors claim that it doesn ́t exist. Edith Stein proposes a comprehension of the human soul as a being that, even it is naturally related to the body, it can continue existing separated from it. This fact depends, according to Stein, on the spiritual energy that flows to the soul and supports it to live without connection with the body. This philosophical doctrine makes possible the understanding of death, not as total end, but as a step towards a higher form of existence, namely a purely spiritual one. Such view allows us to establish a dialogue with the interpretation of death today.References
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