Imprint of the modernity in the labour scope of the woman west and a proposal to reconfigure of its female identity

  • Ruth Verónica Román-Martínez Universidad Panamericana
Keywords: Care Work, Feminity, Modernity, Woman, Work


Despite the evident development brought by Modernity in many areas of knowledge, the way in which women live their femininity was reconfigured from the split conception of a human person, inherited from rationalism. The present analysis relates this new conception of women with respect to men, and their incidence in the context of women’s work; furthermore, it analyzes the resulting reactions that reconfigured women’s actions. Starting from the current situation of women, we propose to combine the efforts of the actors involved and the vindication of the tasks of care as humanizing elements in coexistence.

Author Biography

Ruth Verónica Román-Martínez, Universidad Panamericana
Cooordinación de Extensión Bibliotecaria en la Biblioteca y Profesora del área de Humanidades y Escuela de Empresariales.


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How to Cite
Román-Martínez, R. V. (2020). Imprint of the modernity in the labour scope of the woman west and a proposal to reconfigure of its female identity. Open Insight, 11(22), 149-178.