Justice as the Charity of the Wise Man: from Pleasing in the Happiness of Another to the Search of His Perfection

  • Roberto Casales García Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
Keywords: Love, Moral motivation, Perfection, Pleasure, Virtue


The present paper carries two tasks provided the intention of clarifying Leibniz’s characterization of jurisprudence and his theory of universal justice: on the one hand, to analyze the relationship between his notion of love and his theory of moral motivation, in order to determine to what extent the complacency for the happiness, the good and the perfection of another lead us to action; on the other hand, to distinguish between the love of concupiscence and the love of benevolence, in order to explain in which sense justice can be defined as the charity of the wise.


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How to Cite
Casales García, R. (2021). Justice as the Charity of the Wise Man: from Pleasing in the Happiness of Another to the Search of His Perfection. Open Insight, 12(24), 67-82. https://doi.org/10.23924/oi.v12i24.387