On Spiritual Happiness. A Meditation Sitting under the Cross
Any form of spiritual life requires a philosophically articulated comprehension of what Happiness consists in. At the same time happiness is central for wisdom and thus for the self-comprehension of philosophy itself. As part of a “protophenomenological analysis” I trace back in different languages the genuine philosophical insight on how real happiness differs from related phenomena. The Greek, Hungarian, German, English and Italian terms illuminate some essential features and pave the way for the “phenomenological analysis” (Wesensanalyse). I claim that happiness is essentially related to communio personarum. Happiness is not a mere “emotion”, nor is it an “animic state” or a “fundamental attitude” but rather it is a “form of being”. Happiness does not exclude sadness but it is opposed to despair. There is a complex and fundamental relationship between suffering and happiness that I expose by recalling the experience of laetitiaReferences
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