θεωρία, theoretical (theoretisch) and pre-theoretical (vortheoretisch) in the Early Heidegger

  • Diego Enrique Vega Castro Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)
Keywords: early Heidegger, original science, pre-theoretical, theory


This essay attempts to analyze the fundamental aspects of the Early Heidegger’s displacement between theoretical philosophy and the phenomenology of factual life: his habilitation dissertation and the logical concerns, his confrontation with the Marburg Neokantian School, and the first courses (1919-1921) wherein the break with all theorization is introduced with some clarity. The meaning and contextualization of the theory attacked by Heidegger is problematized (such as its differentiation of Ancient contemplation), as well as the precise meaning of the pre-theoretical.


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How to Cite
Vega Castro, D. E. (2020). θεωρία, theoretical (theoretisch) and pre-theoretical (vortheoretisch) in the Early Heidegger. Open Insight, 11(23), 103-136. https://doi.org/10.23924/oi.v11i23.433