The problem of the relationship between species and substance in Aristotle

  • José Alfonso Villa Sánchez
Keywords: Plato, Aristotle, the divine, plurality, first philosophy


Although Aristotle has distanced himself from the philosophy of his master Plato, tradition interpreted this distance as rupture. However, there are indications in the Metaphysics texts themselves that Aristotle remained largely platonic, and that he saw the divine in all things; not only in the Θεός, as the strength of the Judeo-Christian reception ended up interpreting him. The attentive reading of Metaphysics, mediated by Oñate's support, will show how Aristotle understands the plurality of the divine and why Christian monotheism found support in the first philosophy of the Estagirita so naturally.


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How to Cite
Villa Sánchez, J. A. (2020). The problem of the relationship between species and substance in Aristotle. Open Insight, 11(23), 57-79.