Ratio formalis: Regaining a Classic Notion for Contemporary Metaphysics

Keywords: Fundamentality, manifest image, scientific image, scientifically informed metaphysics, structuralism, theory of knowledge., Fundamentality, manifiest image, scientific image, scientifically informed metaphysics, structuralism, theory of knowledge


«Ratio formalis» seems to be a useful classical notion for contemporary metaphysics thatcurrently debates whether the foundation of reality is formaliter the «substance» or the«structure». For this reason, it is necessary to make the notion explicit. First, I will summarizethe positions of the debate; then, I will present the general sense of our notion; I will show itsprecisions according to three authors (Thomas Aquinas, Cajetan and John of Saint Thomas);once I present their subtleties, I will continue by summarizing what has been obtained; almostto finish, I will use mathematics as an example to show the use of the regained notion; I willconclude by showing how our notion is pertinent for the mentioned debate.


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How to Cite
Sierra-Lechuga, C. (2022). Ratio formalis: Regaining a Classic Notion for Contemporary Metaphysics. Open Insight, 13(27), 75-105. https://doi.org/10.23924/oi.v13i27.495