Realidad y Representación en Habermas y Rorty

  • Francisco Vicente Galán Vélez Universidad Iberoamericana


The article analyzes the position that Harbermas called "realism without representation”, which is based on Kantian pragmatism and weak naturalism. Habermas grants to quotidian action the role that Kant assigns to transcendental conditions. Habermas assumes the linguistic turn, but wants to avoid contextual interpretations of reason such as Rorty's, for whom an antirepresentationalism is necessarily an antirealism. For Habermas, our learning practices are a continuation of the evolutionary, and presuppose a reality that is independent of our descriptions and common to all forms of life, although we must not identify such reality with any conceptual representation that we have of it. The article questions if Habermasian realism offers a significant alternative with respect to Rorty´s Pragmatism.


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How to Cite
Galán Vélez, F. V. (2023). Realidad y Representación en Habermas y Rorty. Open Insight, 14(30), 86-113.