Future and transhumanism: the culmination of the modern project of rational control or the end of education

  • Sandra Anchodno Pavón Universidad Panamericana
  • Cecilia Gallardo Macip Universidad de los Andes
Keywords: Capacities, education, human nature, modernity, transhumanism


The absolute trust in the progress of human beings through science and technology not only affects the way in which we conceive the nature of man, but also influences the construction of the future we desire for the generations to come. In that sense, a critique towards the modern project helps to shed light to the possible consequences that scientific and technocratic vision of education could have on young people. Above all, by revisiting the main premises of transhumanism it is possible to elucidate the capacitist and instrumental criterion that seeks to impose itself as the ultimate paradigm of education. That is why it is important to point out how transhumanists propose an educative model that, rather than promoting the cultural and integral growth of children, it promotes an anthropological reductionism, which requires only a functional and successful development of the members of contemporary societies. Therefore, the objective of this article consists, on one hand, in denouncing the transhumanists’ rejection of education, based on a defense of instrumental capacities and, on the other hand, to highlight the importance that a humanistic education provides by enriching the value of human nature. This text is, then rooted in a reassessment of the contemplation of beauty and the search for truth as the goal of man.


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How to Cite
Anchodno Pavón, S., & Gallardo Macip, C. (2023). Future and transhumanism: the culmination of the modern project of rational control or the end of education. Open Insight, 14(32), 70-97. https://doi.org/10.23924/oi.v14i32.563