“Reality speaks for itself”. When exhibiting strong convictions is not properly a virtue

  • Pietro Montanari Universidad de Guadalajara
Keywords: Beliefs, conspiracies, ideologies, ignorance, pseudo-rationality


The article introduces conspiracy beliefs and considers the most relevant literature in the field. The main purpose of the article is phenomenological: it proposes to understand conspiracy beliefs within the broader genre of what I call general conceptual beliefs (or simply, general beliefs), whose central features are big issues, logical-conceptual fallacies, pseudo-rationality, bad faith, and monological bias. I claim that general beliefs are functional to a motivationally biased and inherently dishonest communication (the same one that conspiracy narratives share with political extremism, religious fundamentalism and other eccentric belief systems), which is essentially conceived for practical and self-representational purposes (not for knowledge). The article argues against the mere stigmatization of this phenomenon and rather seeks to understand it by looking at a broader and murkier region of human experience, for which we are all responsible in some way.


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How to Cite
Montanari, P. (2023). “Reality speaks for itself”. When exhibiting strong convictions is not properly a virtue. Open Insight, 14(32), 165-212. https://doi.org/10.23924/oi.v14i32.574