From the sense that comes. On the genesis of the world in Lévinas

  • Sergio González Araneda Universidad de Chile
Keywords: Autrui, Proximity, Saying, Sense, World


We propose to review the world structure in Lévinas' thought, taking as a starting point the ethical motive that animated his phenomenology from the beginning. For this, we establish a bridge between Saying, as a sound category of the advent of the Other, and the displacement of the egological center assumed in all philosophy of consciousness. From this, the sense of the world will respond to the proximate relation of the call of the Other and, therefore, we will illustrate the way in which the world finds in responsibility its correlate of sense.


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How to Cite
González Araneda, S. (2023). From the sense that comes. On the genesis of the world in Lévinas. Open Insight, 14(30), 11-29.