Noetics and education in Averroes. An approach from the Comentarium Magnum in Aristotelis De Anima.

  • Sandro Paredes Universidad Católica del Maule
Keywords: Averroes, history of philosophy, noetics, philosophy of education


The noetics developed by Averroes in his Comentarium Magnum in Aristotelis De Anima contains some references and arguments related to education. Our article highlights Averroes’ use of the teacher-student relationship as an argument within the analysis of the intellect and the possible implications for a philosophy of education. To achieve this: i) we expose, as background, the problem about the one and multiple intellect in Alexander of Afrodisia and Thesmistius; ii) we analyze the reception of this problem in some passages of the Comentarium Magnum of Averroes that refer to education and the use they have within the noetic argumentation of it; iii) some relevant considerations are proposed that allow reconstructing of Averroes’s philosophy of education.


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How to Cite
Paredes, S. (2023). Noetics and education in Averroes. An approach from the Comentarium Magnum in Aristotelis De Anima. Open Insight, 14(32), 99-126.