Søren Kierkegaard: On the Radical Ethical Demand in Love of Neighbor

Keywords: Christianity, corrective, love of neighbor, ethical demand, existentialism


Christian love is a demand that seeks to overcome selfishness and promote the positive development of human relationships by assisting others in becoming independent. However, Søren Kierkegaard has pointed out in his work that there are worldly and problematic obstacles that hinder the effective materialization of this type of love. Thus, the purpose of this text is to expound upon the concept of Christian love as a radical ethical demand and its capacity as a corrective for problematic human relationships in society based on Works of Love. First, I present the hidden life of love, followed by a description of preferential love, which is the particularized form of love Finally, I proceed to elucidate the radical demand of love, in order to uncover the essence of love and how it could serve as a corrective for the practice of interpersonal relationships in society.


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How to Cite
David Giraldo, J. S. (2024). Søren Kierkegaard: On the Radical Ethical Demand in Love of Neighbor. Open Insight, 15(34), 117-143. https://doi.org/10.23924/oi.v15i34.610