Allegory and Desire for God in Saint Augustine

  • Claudio César Calabrese Universidad Panamericana
  • Ethel Junco Universidad Panamericana
Keywords: Allegory, Christianity, classical culture, desire, Saint Augustine


If allegory is fundamentally a way of reading and writing (in short, of thinking), which, in a Christian key, is linked to personal salvation, this activity, in fact, cannot be obviously separated from the act of faith, nor in the fundamental desire of God, that is, that impulse that returns the human being to his perfection. The always renewed harmony between man (world) God sets in motion two aspects: one ascending or delectatio Dei and another descending or cupiditas mundi. There is no reading without desire, nor desire that is not consumed as a search for God.


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How to Cite
Calabrese, C. C., & Junco, E. (2024). Allegory and Desire for God in Saint Augustine. Open Insight, 15(34), 145-167.