“As if not” as a Phenomenological Trait of the Christian Experience of Faith

Keywords: as if not, Christian faith, Phenomenology, Conversion, Attitude


This paper provides a phenomenological analysis of the experience of “as if not” and its role within the Christian experience of faith. To this end, it considers the characterization of this experience in the Pauline letters and Heidegger's interpretation of them, as well as other relevant philosophical interpretations. The paper offers a phenomenological description that characterizes “as if not” as a positional feature corresponding to the Christian attitude. The main idea is as follows: by living in the mode of “as if not”, the validities of the world are relativized in relation to the divine order, and the transformation of the believer and their context takes place.

Author Biography

Roberto Rubio, Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Roberto Rubio. Ph.D. in Philosophy (University of Freiburg, Germany, 2005). Full professor at the Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile). His areas of expertise are: Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Philosophy of the Image and Philosophy of the Media. He is currently director of the Center for Media Studies at the Universidad Alberto Hurtado.


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How to Cite
Rubio, R. (2024). “As if not” as a Phenomenological Trait of the Christian Experience of Faith. Open Insight, 15(35), 118-146. https://doi.org/10.23924/oi.v15i35.663