Telematic Presence and Personal Human Presence. An Approach from Thomas Aquinas and Merleau-Ponty

  • Patricia Moya Universidad de los Andes
  • Juan Eduardo Carreño Universidad de los Andes
Keywords: Aquinas, Merleau-Ponty, personal body, presence, telematics


Informatic technological developments, catalyzed by the recent pandemic, have promoted telematic human interactions. In everyday language, this type of exchange is often contrasted with a presence that is described as “physical” or “corporal”. It is worth asking, however, what is unique and distinctive about this presence when it is referred to personal entities, that is, to personal bodies or, if you prefer, to embodied people. In this article we examine this question from an ontological Thomistic perspective, but in dialogue with the rich speculations that Maurice Merleau-Ponty has left us on human presence and perception.


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How to Cite
Moya, P., & Carreño, J. E. (2025). Telematic Presence and Personal Human Presence. An Approach from Thomas Aquinas and Merleau-Ponty. Open Insight, 16(36), 37-69.