Efficiency and the common good: a necessary bond

  • Fernando Arancibia-Collao Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
  • Gonzalo Edwards Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile
  • Cristián Hodge Universidad San Sebastián, Sede Chile
  • Felipe Zurita Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Keywords: Common good, efficiency, natural law, Pareto optimality, public policies


The central issue of the article is the interrelation between the common good and economic efficiency. We want to argue that 1) an interrelation between the idea of common good and the conception of economic efficiency is possible, and 2) that this interrelation is fruitful and constructive for the use of an ethically informed concept of economic efficiency that can be useful in public policy analysis. To this goal, 1) we will analyze various concepts of the common good in the literature; 2) we will carry out an exercise of theoretical interrelation between economic efficiency and the common good.

Author Biographies

Fernando Arancibia-Collao, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Fernando Arancibia-Collao is an assistant professor at the Institute of Applied Ethics at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His research focuses on the ethics of economics, from a natural law framework. He is currently developing a state-funded project to investigate the relationship between the common good and social welfare in welfare economics.
Gonzalo Edwards, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile
Gonzalo Edwards is a professor at the School of Economics and Business at Universidad del Desarrollo in Chile. His research has focused on pensions, urban economics, applied microeconomics and on the relation between ethics and economics, where he has been co-teaching with philosophers and theologians at the undergraduate and graduate levels for the last 8 years.
Cristián Hodge, Universidad San Sebastián, Sede Chile
Cristián Hodge is a professor and researcher at Philosophy Institute of Universidad San Sebastián (Chile). His main research interests lie in Social Justice, Fraternity and Economics, Human and Sustainable Development. He is currently developing a state-funded project to investigate the relationship between fraternity and efficiency economic.
Felipe Zurita, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Felipe Zurita is an associate professor at the Institute of Economics at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile. His research focuses on normative economics and the economics of natural disasters.


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How to Cite
Arancibia-Collao, F., Edwards, G., Hodge, C., & Zurita, F. (2025). Efficiency and the common good: a necessary bond. Open Insight, 16(36), 162-178. https://doi.org/10.23924/oi.v16i36.683