The Pain of the Body and the Greatness of the Soul (Sculpture and Poetry in Winckelmann, Lessing & Herder)

  • Adriana Rodríguez Barraza Universidad Veracruzana
Keywords: Aesthetics, Einfühlung, Empathy, People, Romanticism, Spirit.


The fragmentary and apparently disordered quality of Herder’s Critical Forests marks a methodological and theoretical turn, not only in his own thought, but also in the mainstream academic and formalist aesthetic approaches of his time. Starting with an analysis and interpretation of the Greek sculpture Lacöonte, Herder starts a dialogue with Lessing and Winckelmann which reveals his own open and inclusive po- sition according to the way art is interpreted. In this paper it will be given the general context of the eighteenth century’s Aesthetics, Lessing and Winckelmann thoughts on the sub- ject and Herder’s critic towards them. 


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Barraza, A. (2013). The Pain of the Body and the Greatness of the Soul (Sculpture and Poetry in Winckelmann, Lessing & Herder). Open Insight, 4(6), 89-114.