Reply to "Two Phenomenologist Thinking of the Republic: María Zambrano and Edith Stein"
My paper is a reply to "Two Phenomenologist Thinking of the Republic: María Zambrano and Edith Stein", by Eduardo González Di Pierro (2010). It deals with the divergences of Zambrano and Stein's thought, by analysing their position on human action. It tries to reflect on certain topics treated by Di Pierro that may introduce us to an ulterior discussion. More than stating the coincidences between María Zambrano and Edith Stein's political thought, issue already faced by Di Pierro, it considers the different divergences of their thought on human action.References
STEIN, Edith, 1922. “Beiträge zur philosophiscen Begründung der Psychologie und der Geisteswissenschaften” en Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phaänomenologische Forsc- hung, vol. V.
STEIN, Edith, 1996. Psicologie e scienze dello spirito, Roma: Città Nuova Editrice.
VON HILDEBRAND, Dietrich, 1930. Metaphisik der Gemeinschaft. Unersuchingen üer Wesen und Wert der Gemeinschaft, Ausburgo: Haas & Grabherr.
ZAMBRANO, María, 1992. Persona y Democracia, Barcelona: Ed. Anthropos.