«The Day of God». On Time, according to Franz Rosenzweig

  • Esteban Beltrán Ulate Universidad de Costa Rica
Keywords: Day of God, eternity, redemption, time, Phenomenology of Time.


Received: 06/01/2016 • Accepted: 27/03/2017 This article undertakes a phenomenological analysis of the conception oftemporality developed by the German philosopher Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929), parting from the scrutiny of his major work Der Stern der Erlösung  (1921). The time is understood there in a threedimensional way, in the light of the notion «Day of God». The Jewish thinker posed evidence of a break with the modern philosophical theses that presented time as absolute, in opposition to the above, establishes a relationship between redemption and History of the world, where eternity is understood in relation to its past, present and future structure. In the first part, it is presented a brief semblance of the philosopher born in Kassel. Then, follows an exposition of the Jewish tradition about time, from which raises a critique to the Modern conception of time. Afterwards, it poses the theory of time as presented in The Star of Redemption . Finally, it concludes by  showing the relation between temporality and eternity as understood by Franz Rosenzweig.


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How to Cite
Beltrán Ulate, E. (2017). «The Day of God». On Time, according to Franz Rosenzweig. Open Insight, 8(14), 117-136. https://doi.org/10.23924/oi.v8i14.184