The Harmonious City. Remarks on “Dwelling the City” by Juan Carlos Mansur
Received: 01/02/2017 • Accepted: 15/10/2017 My aim in this article is to make some remarks on the main concepts and arguments of the text “Dwelling the City” by Juan Carlos Mansur. In the first part, I try to explain the notions of “roots”, “city” and “proximity”, by the insights that some philosopher’s had on them (S. Weil, M. Zambrano or Hesiod). In the second part I try to develop the idea that the most basic dimension dwelling rises in the intimacy of the person and, after that, dwelling expands to the exterior by dwelling the room, the home, then the neighborhood and, finally, the city. I conclude by mentioning some problems of the contemporary city and offering some ideas to suggest the path that citizens and architects should follow in order to maje the city a place suitable to dwell on.References
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