Affirmation of the sacred in the fairy tale

  • Ethel Junco Universidad Panamericana. Campus Aguascalientes
Keywords: Fairy tale, Grimm, pedagogy, sacred character, soul’s journey.


We study the fairy tale according to texts of the Brothers Grimm anthology, to highlight the sacred character of the hero’s path, in order to relate the geographical journey with the learning transit of the soul. After establishing the dimensions of the tale in accord with itsliterary, philosophical, religious and pedagogical statute, we conclude affirming that the fairy tales clarify the relationship of man and nature and conceive them as integrated to a sacred order.

Author Biography

Ethel Junco, Universidad Panamericana. Campus Aguascalientes
Profesora investigadora Departamento de Humanidades.


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How to Cite
Junco, E. (2019). Affirmation of the sacred in the fairy tale. Open Insight, 10(20), 145-167.