Your Weight in Gold. The Printed Book and the Textuality of Sense

  • Carlos Oliva Mendoza UNAM
Keywords: Hermeneutics of the text, Imaginary communities, Marxism, Printed capital.


This paper presents the idea of the book as a commodity and, at the same time, asa critic of capitalism. In contrast to the idea of the hermeneutic text, in this pa per the idea of book is traced as the central commodity of industrial capitalism and its overlap in the formation of nations and the processes of identity, configured through printed capitalism. Finally, it is crucial in this paper to emphasize how the market is configured by the credit structure of the book, since the beginning of the book’s industrialization.


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How to Cite
Oliva Mendoza, C. (2019). Your Weight in Gold. The Printed Book and the Textuality of Sense. Open Insight, 10(20), 37-51.