The Vision of the Whole and Spiritual Life in Edith Stein
The Positivism approach to human knowledge has barred us from seeing the «meaningful whole» and, consequently, has produced not only a progressive fragmentation of knowledge, but also a fragmentation of the understanding that each human has of oneself. This fragmented view of the human self has hindered the understanding of one’s life as a continuum and the unity of one’s action. At the same time, the fragmented vision of one’s being and action barres the access to the personal spiritual dimension and to the understanding of oneself as a «meaningful whole». Under such epistemological and anthropological fragmentation, modern culture does not provide enough elements to the contemporary human being to access through graces to a sacramental life, that is, to a spiritual life. The sacramental life is the participation in the Divine Life (grace) from which the Holy Spirit acts in the human person, then his grace and human freedom can act together without opposition. Under the perspective of such fragmented view of the human being in contemporary culture, the sacramental life is presented as lifeless (without spirit) religious practices and not as a life in and by God, throughthe reciprocal gift between the Holy Trinity and the human person.References
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