The Beginning of Greece Philosophy: Between orality and literacy

  • Nazyheli Aguirre De la Luz Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: Archaic Greece, literacy oral tradition, presocratic philosophy


This contribution offers an outline of the general background in which Greek philosophy was born, considering especially the coexistence of the oral tradition with the alphabetic writing.  The first section explains the consequences entailed by the oral tradition in the way it shaped the archaic Greek mind. The second section shows the effects that alphabetic writing had on the cognitive processes and on the ancient Greek world picture. A final comment is made about the coexistence in Greece of the oral tradition with writing in order to underline the importance of language for the development of the cognitive processes.


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How to Cite
Aguirre De la Luz, N. (2020). The Beginning of Greece Philosophy: Between orality and literacy. Open Insight, 11(23), 137-163.