The Nature of the Linguistic Sign. Augustinian Outlines in De dialectica and De magistro

  • Claudio César Calabrese Universidad Panamericana • Departamento de Humanidades • Campus Aguascalientes
  • Ethel Beatriz Junco Universidad Panamericana • Departamento de Humanidades • Campus Aguascalientes
Keywords: Augustine, Grammar, Interior master, Skepticism, Theory of the sign


In his youth texts, Saint Augustine objects to skepticism, which denies the possibility of knowledge and teaching; This negation, which has a linguistic origin, declares the impossibility of relating the word to reality. Saint Augustine deepens the analysis on the sign and concludes with his famous nusquam discere, creating one of the most original aspects of his thought: listening makes sense if it puts the receiver in contact with the inner truth. This theory does not deny the reality of the human intellect, but rather supposes it, in the same terms that the created is distinguished from the uncreated.


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How to Cite
Calabrese, C. C., & Junco, E. B. (2021). The Nature of the Linguistic Sign. Augustinian Outlines in De dialectica and De magistro. Open Insight, 12(24), 83-107.